Human Resources Management

  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Level: Bachelor
  • Starts monthly
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Fees: €90 / month
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The course is an introduction to the issues surrounding human resources and the complex relationship between management and employees. Students examine human behavior. They are presented with effective human resource management practices that are aimed at promoting employee well-being and improving the productive efficiency of the company. Topics include: recruiting and selection, staffing, development and performance appraisal of human resources. Also discussed are topics such as labor management-relations and ethics.
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Learning Hours

  • Contact Hours: 40
  • Self-study Hours: 92
  • Assessment Hours: 18
  • Total Hours: 150

Assessment & Grading

  • Homework
  • Assignments
  • Case studies
  • Projects

Mode of Study

  • Weekly live online classes
  • Online discussions
  • Access to online learning portal including all relevant content
  • Group projects
OUR Technology

Best Learning System

Our learning system is a powerful app that helps students and teachers collaborate, learn, and grow together.
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Learn new skills

Our professional online courses are also an outstanding opportunity to learn new, marketable skills. These courses can be fully accessible by anyone who has access to an internet connection.
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State accredited

Globally Recognized

All for-credit courses are globally recognized and can be transferred to universities and colleges around the world. Our university partner SMC is Europe's leading accredited online College.
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Frequently asked questions

What can I access with the free trial?

The free trial gives you access to the course's introduction unit. Since all for-credit courses are cohort-based in a synchronous format, you will not have access to live classes during the free trial.

How do I confirm transfer credits with my college?

Upon completion of each course, you will receive a certificate including details on obtained credits, learning hours, learning outcomes, and grade. Provide this information to your college's registrar or competent authority for credit transfer.

Can I take courses for credit if I am not enrolled in a college or university?

You may take courses for credit irrespective of your enrollment status. Your credits do not expire and can be used at a later stage.
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